Abiding Description: Weapons with this enchant become unbreakable Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Aegis Description: Chance to gain speed when taking fall damage. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Alien Implants Description: Heal 2x the HP of normal Implants, and at max level all hunger loss is disabled. Requires Implants III. Applies to: Helmets Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Allure Description: Your attack pulls mobs towards you. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Ambit Description: Damages mobs within a radius that increases with the level of enchant. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 7 Ambit Description: High chance damages mobs within a radius That increases with the level of enchant Requires Ambit 7 enchantments Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 7 Angel Description: Chance to gain Regen IV on low hp. Applies to: Helmet Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Angelic Description: Heals when damaged. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Angels Grace Description: Allows you to fly or glide. Applies to: Chestplates Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Annihilate Description: Demolish your opponent's armour quicker! Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Anti Gravity Description: Give high Super jump. Applies to: Boots Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Aqua Description: Deal double damage while in water. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Aquaman Description: Chance to spawn 1 elder guardian And 2 guardian to protect you Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Aquatic Description: Breathe underwater. Applies to: Helmets Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Archer Description: Increases damage dealt with bows. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Armor Crasher Description: Demolish The Armor Quicker Than Expected Applies to: Axes Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 6 Armor Demon Description: Upon breaking, item has a chance to lose this enchantment and repair half of its armor durability. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 7 Armored Description: Decreases damage from enemy Swords by 2% per level." Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Arrow Break Description: Chance for arrows to bounce off you While holding item with this enchant Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Arrow Deflect Description: Chance to prevent enemy arrow from dealing damage. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Arrow Lifesteal Description: Chance to steal health from opponent. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Arsonist Description: Chance to deal more damage whilst on fire Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Assassin Description: The closer you are to your enemy, the moredamage you deal (up to 1.25x). However, ifyou are more than 2 blocks away, you will deal LESS damage than normal. Applies to: Sword Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Atomic Detonate Description: Diablo Enchantment. Summons up to a 7x7 explosion around any blocks you break. Requires Detonate IX enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Tools Group: DIABLO Max Level: 9 Auto Reel Description: Automatically reels in the fishing rod when it gets a bite. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Awaken Description: Gives strength, slowness and resistance at low hp. Applies to: Chestplate Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Axe of Spirits Description: Chance to get more souls from killing players. Applies to: Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Bad Omen Description: Gives bad omen villager Dont use it for bad method. Applies to: Helmets Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Bait Description: Chance to receive double fishing drops. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Barbarian Description: Chance to inflicts more axe damage. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Basalt Ruler Description: Summons magma cubes that fights for you The higher the level the higher the chance To trigger the enchantment Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 10 Beastslayer Description: Increases damage dealt to Hostile Mobs. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Behead Description: Chance to drop your opponent's head upon death. Applies to: Weapon Group: CRAZY Max Level: 6 Berserk Description: Chance of strength and mining fatigue. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Bewitched Hex Description: Once a target is affected with Bewitched Hex, a portion of all their outgoing damage is reduced. When attacked, they receives extra damage. Requires Hex IV to apply. Applies to: Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Bidirectional Teleportation Description: Diablo Enchantment. Chance to grapple an enemy towards you. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Blacksmith Description: Repair your weapon in exchange for dealing less damage. Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Blast Description: Mines in 3x3 area. Applies to: Tool Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Bleed Description: Make your opponent bleed. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Bleed Eater Description: Chance to multiplies damage dealt to players with active bleed stacks. Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Blessed Description: A chance of removing debuffs. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Blind Description: A chance of causing blindness when attacking. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Blind People Description: Gives curse blindness Applies to: Helmets Group: SOUL Max Level: 2 Blizzard Description: Chance to give blindness 3 effect For 5 seconds and per 10 cooldown Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Blizzard Description: Stunned 2 seconds effect And blind for 3 seconds Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Block Description: A chance to negate an attack and deal up to 4 damage back. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Blocking Description: Sneak + Right-Click to activate the ability to take less damage based on your level from 15-30 seconds. Applies to: Weapon Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Blunt Force Description: Chance to strike with great force. Applies to: Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Bone Crusher Description: Increases damage dealt to Skeletons. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Bowmaster Description: Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a Sword at the time they are hit. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Breathe Description: Ability to breathe underwater. Applies to: Helmet Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Bulls Eye Description: Chance to do double damage with bow. Applies to: Bow Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Cactus Description: Injures your attacker but does not affect your durability. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 2 Carrot Planter Description: Plant carrots in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Applies to: Hoes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Chain Lifesteal Description: A chance to regain health from multiple Enemies near your damaged target based on level Applies to: Chestplate Group: SOUL Max Level: 2 Chaos Description: Deal weakness and wither effects. Applies to: Trident Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Chunky Description: Chance to receive less damage. Applies to: Chestplates Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Clarity Description: Cure blindness when attacked. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Cleave Description: Damages players within a radius that increases with the level of enchant. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 7 Commander Description: Low chance nearby allies are given haste. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Confuse Description: Chance to give nausea effect. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Confusion Description: A chance to deal nausea to your victim Using Axe. Applies to: Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Convulse Description: Chance to throw your attackers into the air. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Corona Virus Description: Multiplies all Wither and Poison effects on the affected target. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Corrupt Description: Deals damage over time. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Counter Description: Chance to redirect an opponents attack to themselves Applies to: Leggings Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Creeper Armor Description: Chance to be immune to explosive damage, at higher levels you have a chance to heal. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Critical Description: Increase damage done with critical hit. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Curse Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 2 Curse Villager Description: Spawn 3 innocent villagers to wish u luck Ofcourse they die too on battlefield Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Darksmith Description: High chance to heal your most damaged piece of armor by 1-2 durability whenever you hit a player, but when it procs your attack will only deal 50% of the normal damage. Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Deadshot Description: Headshots with tridents deal double damage. Applies to: Trident Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Death God Description: Attacks that bring your HP to (level+4) hearts or lower have a chance to heal you for (level+5) hearts instead. Applies to: Helmet Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Death Punch Description: Increases damage dealt to Zombies. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Deathbringer Description: Chance to deal double damage. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Debuff Spell Description: Debuff And Silince All Spell Applies to: Axes Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 1 Decapitation Description: Chance to have opponents head drop on death. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Deep Bleed Description: Diablo Enchantment. A chance to affect foes with increased slowness and inflict more damage. Requires Bleed VI. Applies to: Axe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 6 Demolish Description: When this effect procs, the next attack dealt to you cannot deal more than the (total amount of damage / 2) you took from the previous attack. Applies to: Chestplate Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Demonforged Description: Increases durability loss on your enemy''s armor. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Demonic Description: A chance to remove fire resistance from your enemy. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Demonic Lifesteal Description: Heals much more HP at a greatly increased rate compared to normal Lifesteal. Requires Lifesteal V. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Demonisher Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Deranged Description: Strike lightning at nearby players. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Destruction Description: Chance to damages and debuffs all nearby enemies when attacked. Applies to: Helmet Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Detonate Description: Chance to break in 3x3 area. Applies to: Pickaxes, Shovels Group: PAIMON Max Level: 9 Devour Description: Chance to restore food while killing mobs. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Diploid Description: Chance to multiply mob drops. Costs 5 souls / activation. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Disappear Description: Chance to become invisible when low on health. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Disarm Description: Chance to disarm opponent. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Disarm Description: High chance of removing one piece of armor from your enemy when they are at low health. Applies to: Sword Group: PAIMON Max Level: 8 Disarmor Description: Chance of unequipping random armor piece from your opponent. Applies to: Sword Group: PAIMON Max Level: 8 Disintegrate Description: Chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Distance Description: Chance to distance yourself from your enemies and gain regeneration. Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Divert Description: Chance of poisoning opponent and gaining regeneration. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Divine Enlighted Description: Diablo Enchantment. High chance of healing lots of HP while taking damage. Requires Enlighted III enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Divine Heal Description: High chance to revive but cost 1000 soul Cooldown 20 seconds to trigger again Applies to: Chestplates Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Divine Immolation Description: Active soul enchant. Chance for your sword to be imbued with divine fire, turning all your physical attacks into Area of Effect spells and igniting divine fire upon all nearby enemies. 75 souls per use. Applies to: Sword Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Doctor Description: Heal players using bow hit Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Dodge Description: Chance to dodge physical enemy, chance increases when sneaking. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Domain Expansion Description: Someone Hit You Chance To dominate The life Of The Enemy. Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 8 Dominate Description: Chance to weaken enemy players when attacked, causing them to deal less damage. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Double Strike Description: A chance to strike twice. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Dragon Heart Description: Wear this heart of the dragon Immune all types of damage Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 1 Drunk Description: Slowness and slow swinging with a chance to get strength. Applies to: Helmet Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Eagle Eye Description: Chance to deal 1-4 durability damage to ALL armor pieces of enemy player. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Elder Sea Description: Chance to give your enemy fatigue That last for 3.5 second. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 4 Elements Description: Chance to give enemy slowness, mining fatigue Weakness, blindness, nausea for 2 seconds Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Elf Forged Description: Chance gain 5 durability per attack More attacks more heal durability. Require Hellforged III to apply Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Ender Slayer Description: Increases damage dealt to Enderman and Ender dragons. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Ender Walker Description: Chance to cure Wither and Poison when attacked nand heal at high levels. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Ender Watchers Description: Spawm 3 enderman to protect you Or bedtray you.. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 EnderShift Description: Gives speed/health boost at low hp. Applies to: Helmet, Boots Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Endmaster Description: Double damage to mobs in End. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Enlighted Description: Can heal hearts while taking damage. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Enrage Description: Deal more damage on low HP. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Entrepreneur Description: Gives cheaper villager Trades per 10 seconds. Applies to: Leggings Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Epicness Description: Gives particles and sound effects. Applies to: Swords Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Epidemic Carrier Description: When near death, chance to summons creepers and debuffs to avenge you. Requires Plague Carrier VIII to apply. Applies to: Leggings Group: DIABLO Max Level: 8 Erection Description: Build up speed and strength overtime But get nausea, consumes 30 souls And 10 mins cooldown Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Escapist Description: Chance to gain a burst of Speed IV on low HP. Applies to: Boots Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Etheral Description: Gain haste upon killing mobs Applies to: Sword Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Ethereal Dodge Description: Increased proc rate over normal Dodge, with a small chance to gain Speed V for a few seconds on successful dodge. Requires Dodge V. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Exalted Description: A chance of removing bad potion effects. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Execute Description: Damage buff when your target is at low HP. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 7 Exp Hunger Description: A chance to steal some of your enemy's EXP every time you damage them. Required Skill Swipe 5 Applies to: Sword Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Experience Description: Chance to get more experience from ores. Applies to: Tools Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Explosive Description: Chance for arrows to explode. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Explosive Demise Description: Summon creepers as your guards when near death. Applies to: Leggings Group: DIVINE Max Level: 8 Exterminator Description: When attacked, chance to temporarily disables enemy ability to use Undead Ruse, Gaurdians, and Spirits. Applies to: Leggings Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Extinguish Description: Chance to extinguish yourself when on fire. Applies to: Leggings Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Fallen Knight Description: Yeah you heard it the knight Fallen has born to dominate Enemy who block his way Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 9 Famine Description: A chance to give your opponent the hunger effect. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Farcast Description: Chance to knockback melee attackers by a couple of blocks when they hit you. Increased chance of proccing when your health is low. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Fat Description: Chance to receives increased damage negation when damaged, as well as absorption at higher levels. Applies to: Chestplate Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Featherweight Description: Chance to get a burst of haste. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Fire Drain Description: Remove enemy fire resistance. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Fire Hook Description: The hook is on fire. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Firework Description: Chance to give you multiple positive potion effects at low health. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Flashbang Description: Chance to blind enemies with particles. Applies to: Helmet Group: SOUL Max Level: 8 Forcefield Description: Chance to push away your opponent. Applies to: Swords Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Fortress Description: Summons wither skeletons that fights for you Requires 200 soul to trigger. 30 seconds cooldown Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 10 Freeze Description: Ability to freeze your opponent in place. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 2 Frenzy Description: Chance for arrows to explode. Applies to: Crossbow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Fronter Description: Take less damage when being hit from behind. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Frozen Description: Can cause slowness to attacker when defending. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Fuddle Description: Disorganize opponent's hotbar. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Fumble Description: Chance to explode enemy when hit by their arrows. Applies to: Chestplate Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Furnace Description: Automatically smelts ores while mining Applies to: Pickaxe Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Gears Description: Added speed when equipped. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Gemify Description: Chance for an ore block to turn into it's block Applies to: Pickaxe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Ghast Description: Chance to shoot fireballs instead of arrows. Applies to: Bow Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Glowing Description: Gives permanent night vision. Applies to: Helmet Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Gluttony Description: Gives permanent nausea. Applies to: Helmets Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Godly Overload Description: Diablo Enchantment. A very large permanent increase in hearts. Requires Overload III enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Greatsword Description: Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a Bow at the time they are hit. Applies to: Sword Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Guardians Description: A chance to spawn iron golems to assist you and watch over you. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 10 Guided Rocket Escape Description: Chance to blast off into the air at low health and briefly gain flight for (level x 1s). Requires Rocket Escape III to apply. Applies to: Boots Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Halloweenify Description: Chance to replace your opponents helmet to a pumpkin for a short time. Applies to: Weapons Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Hardened Description: Chance to recover durability when damaged by players. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Harmony Axe Description: Damages mobs within a radius using axe That increases with the level of enchant Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 7 Haste Description: Allows you to swing your tools faster. Applies to: Tools Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Hasten Description: Chance to gain Haste after breaking blocks. Applies to: Tools Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Headless Description: Victims have a high chance of dropping their head on death. Applies to: Swords Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Heavy Description: Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Hefty Description: Gives you permanent resistance effect. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 2 Hellfire Description: Arrows turn into fireballs. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Hellforged Description: Chance gain 3 durability per attack More attacks more heal durability. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Hex Description: Once a target is affected by Hex, a portion of all their outgoing damage is decreased. 3-7 damage is reflected back to them. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Hijack Description: Chance to convert summoned enemy Guardians into your own when they are shot with an arrow. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Holy Description: Chance to remove wither effect Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Hook Description: Get more exp from fishing. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Horrify Description: Chance to inflict enemies within a 32x32 radius with §6Horror§r. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Hulk Description: Gives permanent high slowness And strength effect like a hulk. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Hunter Description: Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Ice Aspect Description: A chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Immolate Description: Increases damage dealt to Spiders. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Immolation Description: Set all mobs in radius on fire. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Immortal Description: Chance to prevents your armor from taking durability damage. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Immortality Description: Passive soul enchant. High chance to prevents your armor from taking durability damage, in exchange for souls. 5 souls per use. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Immune Description: Makes you immune to all debuffs. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Impact Description: Chance to double dealt damage. Applies to: Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Impale Description: Chance to deal HUGE amounts of damage to your opponent, causing Slowness V for some time Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Implants Description: Chance to restore food every few seconds. Applies to: Helmets Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Infernal Description: Explosive fire effect. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Inflame Description: Set all players in radius on fire. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Inky Description: Chance to blind your enemy. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Inquisitive Description: Chance to increase EXP drops from mobs. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Insanity Description: You swing your axe like a maniac. Chance to multiplies damage against players who are wielding a SWORD at the time they are hit. Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 8 Insanity Description: You swing your sword like an extreme maniac. Chance to multiplies damage against players who are wielding a SWORD at the time they are hit. Requires Instanity VIII to apply. Applies to: Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 8 Insomnia Description: Gives slowness, slow swinging and confusion. Applies to: Swords Group: CRAZY Max Level: 7 Interrupt Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 2 Intimidate Description: Chance to give enemy weakness 3 For 5 seconds and per 10 cooldown Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Inversion Description: Damage dealt to you has a chance to be blocked and heal you for 1-5 HP. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Jelly Legs Description: Chance to negate fall damage. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Judgement Description: Chance of poisoning opponent and gaining regeneration. Applies to: Elytra Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Kevlar Description: Chance to gain resistance whilebeing attacked Applies to: Weapon Group: DIABLO Max Level: 7 Kill Aura Description: Chance to kill multiple monsters in radius. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Launch Description: Launch yourself by right-clicking. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Lava Walker Description: Walk on Lava. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Lethal Sniper Description: Diablo Enchantment. Increased headshot chance and multiplied damage up to 4.5x. Requires Sniper V enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Bow Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 LifeAbsorb Description: Chance to increase EXP drops from mobs. Applies to: Axe Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Lifebloom Description: Completely high chance to heals allies and truces on your death in 10 block radius. Applies to: Leggings Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Lifesteal Description: A chance to steal health when attacking. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Lightning Description: High chance to strike lightning at the opponent. Applies to: Bow Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Longbow Description: Greatly increases damage dealt to enemy players that have a bow in their hands. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Lucid Description: Chance to cure blindness and gain night vision when hit. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Lucky Description: Chance to increase luck while fishing. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Lumber Jack Description: High chance to break a tree in one hit Required timber 3 enchant to apply Applies to: Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Magnet Description: Your attack pulls players towards you. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Marijuana Description: Gives permanent nausea. Applies to: Helmets Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Mark of the Beast Description: Once an enemy is afflicted with the mark all incoming damage is increased by 2x for up to 5 seconds Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 6 Marksman Description: Increases damage dealt with Crossbows. Applies to: Crossbow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Master Blacksmith Description: Chance to heal your most damaged piece of armor by 2-3 durability whenever you hit a player, but when it procs your attack will deal between 75%-100% damage. Requires Blacksmith V enchantment on item to apply. Applies to: Axe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Master Inquisitive Description: Diablo Enchantment. Chance to massively increases EXP drops from mobs. Requires Inquisitive IV enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Mega Heavy Description: Chance to decreases Damage from enemy bows by 10% plus an additional 2% per level. Requires Heavy V to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Metaphysical Description: A chance to be cured of Slowness when attacked. At max level, you will only be affected approx. 10% of the time. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Mighty Cactus Description: Diablo Enchantment. Chance to stop enemy attack and injures your attacker but does not affect your durability. Requires Cactus II to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 2 Mighty Cleave Description: Chance to deals up to 8 damage in up to a 4 block radius. Requires Cleave VII to apply. Applies to: Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Mighty Guardians Description: High chance to spawn iron golems to assist you and watch over you. Required Guardians X to apply Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 10 Mighty Hulk Description: Gives permanent high slowness And strength effect like a hulk. Requires Hulk I to apply Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Missile Description: Arrows turn into fireballs. Applies to: Crossbow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Molten Description: Chance of setting your attacker ablaze. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Momentum Description: Chance to gain speed boost with fireworks. Applies to: Elytra Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Monarch Destructions Description: Summon Some Army Dead Soldier But Need Souls Spawn Many Soldiers Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 9 Monarch Shadow Description: Summon Some Army Soul Soldier But Need Souls Spawn Many Soldiers Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 9 Money Heist Description: Chance to steal 100k per trigger. Cooldown 30 seconds per steal Applies to: Weapons Group: DIABLO Max Level: 6 MortarStrike Description: Chance to strike your opponent with lightning. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Multiplication Description: Chance to multiply ore drops. Costs 5 souls / activation. Applies to: Pickaxe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Naturer God Description: Freeze And Kneel Your Enemy God Cant Debuff This Spells Without Bless Enchantments Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 4 Natures Wrath Description: Temporarily freeze all enemies in a massive area around you, pushing them back and dealing massive nature damage. 75 souls per use. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Nausea Description: Chance to give your opponent nausea effect. Applies to: Armor Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Nether Slayer Description: Increases damage dealt to nether mobs. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Nether Wither Description: Spawm 3 nether skeletons to protect You or betray you sometimes.. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Netherling Description: Double damage to mobs in Nether. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Neutralize Description: Chance to disarm opponent. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow Group: DIABLO Max Level: 2 Neutralizer Description: Chance to disable all enemy defensive enchantment's for 7 seconds. This effect can stack with silence. Applies to: Swords Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Night Owl Description: Deal more damage to mobs at night. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Nightwalker Description: Freeze mobs at night. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Ninja Description: Sneak + Right-Click to activate the ability to go invisible for a short amount of time. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Nulify Description: Chance to deal double damage while leaving enemy blind. Costs 40 souls / activation. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Obsidian Destroyer Description: High chance to instant break obsidian blocks. Applies to: Pickaxe Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Obsidianshield Description: Gives permanent fire resistance. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Opponent Description: Do more damage to opponent using axe. Applies to: Axe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Overload Description: Unlocks additional hearts. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Oxygenate Description: Refills oxygen levels when breaking blocks under water. Applies to: Pickaxe Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Pacify Description: A chance to pacify your target, dealing 1-4 damage and stopping their next attack on you. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Pain Killer Description: Chance to gain Damage Resistance For 10 seconds effect and cooldown. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Paladin Armored Description: Negates 10 + 5 per level of enemy sword damage. A chance to be Blessed every time you are struck by an enemy sword. Requires Armored IV. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Paradox Description: Passive soul enchantment. Heals all nearby allies in a massive area around you for a portion of all damage dealt to you. Applies to: Swords Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Paralyze Description: Gives lightning effect and a chance for slowness and slow swinging. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Patch Description: Chance to recover durability when damaged by mobs. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Penetrate Description: Increase the amount of armor damage you do per hit. Applies to: Weapon Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Perish Description: A chance to give the wither effect. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Permafrost Description: Chance slow and bleed opponents. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Phantom Bane Description: Increases damage dealt to phantoms. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 2 Phoenix Description: Chance to revive yourself when killed. Applies to: Chestplates Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Phoenix Killer Description: Chance to disable all revive enchantments to player. For 10 seconds. Cooldown is 50 seconds per activate. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Pickpocket Description: Chance to steal in-game money whilst fighting. Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Piercing Description: Inflicts more damage. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Plague Carrier Description: When near death summons creepers and debuffs to avenge you. Applies to: Leggings Group: DIVINE Max Level: 8 Planetary Deathbringer Description: Diablo Enchantment. An increased chance to deal 1.5x damage. Requires Deathbringer III enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Planter Description: Plant seeds in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Applies to: Hoes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Plummet Description: Deal damage to nearby mobs when taking fall damage. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Poison Description: A chance of giving poison effect. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Poisoned Description: Chance to give poison to your attacker. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Poisoned Hook Description: Poisons the hook. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Polymorphic Metaphysical Description: A chance to be cured of Slowness when attacked. At max level, you will only be affected approx. 10% of the time. Requires Metaphysical IV to apply. Applies to: Boots Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Poseidon Description: Increases damage dealt with Tridents. Applies to: Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Potato Planter Description: Plant potatoes in a 3x3 area by shift+right-clicking. Applies to: Hoes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Protected Description: Decreases damage taken to your armor. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 6 Protection Description: Automatically heals and cures all nearby faction allies. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Pummel Description: Chance to slow nearby enemy players for a short period. Applies to: Axe Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Pushed Description: Chance to cause extreme knockback. Applies to: Weapon Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Pyro Description: Chance to do double damage if opponent is on fire. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Quake Description: Chance to toss your enemy in the air. Applies to: Weapon Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Quiver Description: Chance to fling your attackers into the air. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Ragdoll Description: Chance to be pushed back when getting hit. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Rage Description: For every combo hit you land, chance to do 0.5 heart damage per combo to your opponent. Up to 5 max combo hits. Applies to: Weapon Group: PAIMON Max Level: 6 Ravenous Description: Chance to regain hunger while fighting. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Reaper Description: A chance to give your opponent the Wither and Blindness effects while dealing damage Applies to: Axe Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Reaper Staff Description: Burn player for 10 minutes Applies to: Hoes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Rebound Description: Gain some health back after kills. Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Rebreather Description: Chance to regain air when mining under water. Applies to: Pickaxe Group: CRAZY Max Level: 2 Reflect Description: Absorb enemy damage and reflect it back. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Reflective Block Description: Diablo Enchantment. A chance to greatly or completely negate incoming damage while blocking, and to reflect an incoming attack back on the attacker whether you are blocking or not. Requires Block III to apply. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Reflector Description: Chance to reflect arrows. Applies to: Leggings Group: CRAZY Max Level: 5 Reforged Description: Protects weapons and tools durability, items will be take longer to break. Applies to: Weapons and tools Group: DIVINE Max Level: 10 Reinforced Description: Reduces damage dealt to you. Applies to: Elytra Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Reinforced Tank Description: Decreases damage from enemy axes by 6% + 2% per level. Requires Tank IV to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Replanter Description: Replants crops when you break them. Applies to: Hoes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 1 Replenish Description: Chance to restore food while mining. Applies to: Pickaxes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Restore Description: Upon breaking, item has a chance to lose this enchantment and repair half of its durability. Applies to: Tools Group: DIABLO Max Level: 4 Revival Description: Chance to give you health when you are low. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Rocket Escape Description: Blast off into the air at low HP. Applies to: Boots Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Rogue Description: Active soul enchant. Chance to deal up to 2.0x damage. Applies to: Axes Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Rush Description: Chance of speed boost when taking off with elytra. Costs 10 souls / activation. Applies to: Elytra Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Sabotage Description: An active soul enchantment that gives a chance to block an enemy players Rocket Escape and Guided Rocket Escape from activating. Applies to: Swords Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Safeguard Description: Chance to gain Damage Resistance when defending. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 2 Sandstorm Description: Chance to give slowness 3 effect For 5 seconds and per 10 cooldown Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Saturated Description: Lose hunger slower. Applies to: Armor Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Scare Description: High chance to replace your opponents helmet to a pumpkin for a short time. Applies to: Weapons Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Scared Description: Chance to give opponent weakness effect. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Self Destruct Description: When close to death, tnt spawns around you to end you and remove your dropped items. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Shabu Lover Description: Shabu lover ohio. Applies to: Helmets Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Shackle Description: Your attack pulls mob toward you. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Shadow Armor Description: Chance to instantly restore Armor durability cost soul 100 To activate the shadow armor. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 9 Shadow Assassin Description: Diablo Enchantment. The closer you are to your enemy, the more damage you deal (up to 1.875x). However, if you are more than 2 blocks away, you will deal LESS damage than normal. Requires Assassin V. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 5 Sharpness Hook Description: Deal damage with the hook. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: PAIMON Max Level: 9 Shatter Description: Chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack. Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Shield Description: Chance to block damage from attacks. Applies to: Chestplate Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Shockwave Description: Chance to push back your attacker when your health is low. Applies to: Chestplates Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Shuffle Description: Shuffles opponent's hotbar. Applies to: Armor Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Silence Description: Chance to stop activation of your enemy's custom armor enchants. Applies to: Swords Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Skill Swipe Description: A chance to steal some of your enemy's EXP every time you damage them. Applies to: Sword Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Slayer Description: Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Slice Description: Chance to deal double damage. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Slingshot Description: Boost yourself into flight by right-clicking. Applies to: Elytra Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Smelting Description: Chance to smelt mined blocks. Applies to: Pickaxes Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Smoke Bomb Description: When you are near death, you will spawn a smoke bomb to distract your enemies. Applies to: Helmet Group: DIVINE Max Level: 8 Snap Description: Pull hit entity towards you. Applies to: Fishing Rod Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Snare Description: Chance to slow and fatigue enemies with projectiles. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Sneaky Description: Chance to go invisible for 5 seconds. Applies to: Chestplate Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Snipe Description: Headshots with high projectile deal up to 3.5x damage. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Sniper Description: Headshots with bows deal double damage. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Soul Hardened Description: Up to 50% chance to block enemy soul trap, armor takes less durability damage. Requires Hardened III to apply. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Soul Siphone Description: Proc'ing on outgoing damage events this enchant siphons souls and durability from enemies in large quantities!. Applies to: Boots Group: SOUL Max Level: 4 Soul Trap Description: Active soul enchant. Your weapon is imbued with sealing magic, and has a chance to disable/negate all soul enchantments of your enemies on hit for (level x 4) seconds. 2 souls per second. Applies to: Weapons Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Soulbound Description: A chance to keep item on death. Applies to: Weapons + Tools + Bows Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 SouldBind Description: High chance to keep item on death. Applies to: Weapons + Tools + Bows Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Souless Description: An attack that would normally kill you will instead heal you to full HP. Can only be activated once every couple minutes. 500 souls per use. Applies to: Armor Group: SOUL Max Level: 3 Soulgrind Description: Chance to get souls by killing mobs. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Soulless Description: Increases damage dealt to Hostile Mobs. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Soulminer Description: Chance to get souls by mining. Applies to: Pickaxe Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Souvenir Description: Slim chance to keep item on death. Applies to: All items Group: SOUL Max Level: 6 Spark Description: Light opponents on fire. Applies to: Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Speed Description: Gives you permanent speed II effect. Applies to: Boots Group: CRAZY Max Level: 1 Spiritmaster Description: Chance to get more souls from killing players. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Spirits Description: Chance to spawn guard blazes. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 10 Springs Description: Gives jump boost. Applies to: Boots Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Stormcaller Description: Strikes lightning on attacking players. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Strength Description: Gives permanent strength effect. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 2 Strife Description: Increases Trident melee damage. Applies to: Trident Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Strike Description: Chance to strike lightning at the opponent. Applies to: Swords, Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Striker Description: Rain arrows over opponent. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Stun Description: Chance to slow opponent, make them feel weak, and remove slowness from you. Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Summon Description: High chance to spawn iron golems to protect you. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Surprise Description: Chance to teleport behind your opponent and take them by surprise. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Suspend Description: Chance to cause no knockback to mobs. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Sustain Description: Chance to regain hunger when getting hit. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Swordsman Description: Chance to reduces incoming damage while wielding a sword by up to 22% at max level. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Tank Description: Chance to decreases damage from enemy axes by 2% per level. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Teleblock Description: Active soul enchant. Your bow is enchanted with enderpearl blocking magic. A chance that damaged players will be unable to use enderpearls for up to 20 seconds and will lose up to 15 enderpearls from their inventory. Applies to: Bow Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Telepathy Description: Automatically places blocks broken by tools in your inventory. Applies to: Tools Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Thor Description: Chance to strike your opponent with lightning. Applies to: Weapon Group: SOUL Max Level: 5 Thor Hammer Description: Gives curse slowness Applies to: Pickaxes, Axes Group: SOUL Max Level: 1 Thundering Blow Description: Can cause high effect on your enemy or player. Applies to: Swords Group: CRAZY Max Level: 3 Thunderlord Description: Strike monsters with lightning every 3 consecutive hits. Applies to: Weapons Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Timber Description: Chance to break a tree in one hit Applies to: Axes Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Titan Trap Description: Diablo Enchantment. A chance to give a longer lasting buffed slowness effect. Requires Trap III to apply. Applies to: Swords Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Torrent Description: Deal increased damage while in water. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Trap Description: Chance to give buffed slowness effect. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Trickster Description: When hit you have a chance to teleport directly behind you opponent. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 8 Turmoil Description: Chance to prevent opponents guards from spawning. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 3 Twinge Description: Make your enemy bleed, if hit using melee attack. Applies to: Trident Group: PAIMON Max Level: 4 Ultra Gain Description: Chance to increase x5 Exp drops from mobs. Compare to inquisitive and lifeabsorb But required souls 350 per trigger Applies to: Swords, Axes Group: DIABLO Max Level: 7 Ultra Phoenix Description: High chance to revive when you killed Cooldown 20 seconds to trigger again Applies to: Chestplates Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Unbreakable Description: Tools with this enchant become unbreakable Applies to: Tools Group: DIABLO Max Level: 1 Undead Ruse Description: When hit you have a chance to spawn zombie hordes to distract and disorient your opponents. Applies to: Boots Group: DIVINE Max Level: 10 Unfocus Description: Chance to Unfocus target player, reducing their out going bow damage by 50% for up to 10 seconds. Applies to: Bow Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Unholy Description: Defend with weakness and wither effects. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Unholy Moly Description: High chance to give weakness and wither to your attacker. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Valor Description: Chance to reduces incoming damage while wielding a sword by up to 22% at max level. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Vampire Description: A chance to heal you for up to 3hp a few seconds after you strike. Applies to: Swords Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Vein Miner Description: Mine entire vein of ores Applies to: Pickaxes Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Vengeful Diminish Description: Ensures that the next strike against you only deals 50% of the damage inflicted and any extra above that will be returned to the attacker. Requires Diminish VI enchant on item to apply. Applies to: Chestplate Group: DIABLO Max Level: 6 Vengeful Diminish Description: Ensures that the next strike against you only deals 50% low chance of the damage inflicted and any extra above that will be returned to the attacker. Applies to: Chestplate Group: SOUL Max Level: 6 Venom Description: A chance of dealing poison. Applies to: Bow Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Virus Description: A chance of giving poison effect. Applies to: Bow, Crossbow, Trident Group: DIVINE Max Level: 3 Voodoo Description: Gives a chance to deal weakness. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 6 Ward Description: A chance to absorb enemy damage Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 4 Warden Summoner Description: High chance to spawn Warden to Betray or protect you because He dont like to be pet sometimes . Applies to: Armor Group: SPONSOR Max Level: 1 Water Walker Description: Walk on Water. Applies to: Boots Group: PAIMON Max Level: 1 Weaker Description: Remove enemy strength. Applies to: Armor Group: DIABLO Max Level: 3 Witcher Description: Chance of dealing poison damage to your target and adding regeneration to yourself. Applies to: Armor Group: PAIMON Max Level: 5 Wither Description: A chance to give the wither effect. Applies to: Armor Group: DIVINE Max Level: 5 Wolverine Description: Chance to summon wolves to defend you in fight. Applies to: Chestplate Group: CRAZY Max Level: 4 Wolves Description: Chance to summon wolves to defend you in fight. Applies to: Chestplate Group: SOUL Max Level: 10